What is your level of AI Innovation?

The interest in AI and automation has continued to rise in recent years and is expanding into almost every department for both small and large organizations. AI projects don’t end after tackling a single-use case, but are rather part of a longer journey of leveraging technology for increased optimization and efficiencies. Most companies fall into one of 4 categories. Which one best describes you?

The Innovator
Companies in the Innovator stage are the movers and shaker of their industries.
Think Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. These companies are not waiting for the next new thing… they are driving it.
The companies who embrace change are the companies who most often lead the pack. But you don’t have to be a large company to be an Innovator. Both small and large companies alike are embracing new AI technologies to drive innovation and optimization within their organization

The Tinkerer
This group is made up of companies that understand the many benefits of AI, but have struggled to fully implement their projects. They have identified several good use cases, evaluated a few AI tools and even have hired some data scientists, but have struggled with things like getting a model into production, or having issues with data.
Making the leap to implementing new ideas can be tough, but the Data Scientists at NLP Logix have experience working with organizations like these, in fact some of us used to be part of them. We have over a decade of experience to help you get over the hurdles that are preventing you from successful AI implementations.

The Explorer
Ready to take the plunge, but not sure where to start? You are likely in the Explorer stage.
Many of our clients at NLP Logix fit into this category. Our team of support specialists are able to guide the Explorers into the world of AI/ML where they can be very successful…even when the goals are not fully thought out.

The Dinosaur
This is Blockbuster, Kodak, or Toys R Us (who is finally adopting change after Chaper 11 Bankruptcy). They are the companies who did well for a while, but could not/would not adapt to changes in their industry.
A large number of companies are adopting AI. Don’t fall behind. Don’t allow your company to be a Dinosaur.